I'm Kishore Singh

A passionate learner and A Full Stack Web Developer based in bangalore.

Hello Everyone 👋

I'm Kishore a Web Developer with a creative and focused mindset. I've been coding since a very long time. Creating something and learning new things, gaining new expereinces is what drives me. I have a good grasp on HTML, CSS, Javascript, Nodejs, Python, C++ and Photoshop. Currently learning ReactJS.

Education 📚

Recent works 👨🏽‍💻

Budgetting app which tracks budget and expenses and suggests the right way and methods to save money efficently, with an in-built goal tracker. Built using nodejs, express and sequelize.

Techie Quiz is a quiz app which puts your technical knowledge to test. Finally shows how many percent of questions you answered were right.

A simple To-do app in which you can add, delete or cross the completed todo. If you have added a lot of to-do's you can also search them using the search bar provided at the top.


I ❤ Music. Singing is my hobby and I strongly beleive that Music is a great healer.

I like reading about new tech gadgets, coding, watching videos about new releases. In short technology and how it makes life better interests me.

Travelling to a new place, exploration filled with adventure is what I enjoy the most. I beleive that we all have one life so why not expereince everything possible as long as it is possible.